I was really excited today to receive in the mail a book entitled "A Nickel Worth of Faith" authored by Dr. E. McDonald Wortham. I was sitting here praying for guidance about what would be my first blog post for 2021 when my wife gave me the mail and said. .. that's the book.
I immediately opened the book and started chapter one. .. "How to get your Faith to Work" Most have read in Luke Chapter 17, verse 6 which states. .. And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you. This is the word of God that opens this chapter. .. Most of us usually think about how small a mustard seed is and equate that to how much faith it takes to make that faith work. .. but the example the author used to describe the mustard seed revealed to me just what mustard seed faith really means. ...
The author states that "it is not the amount of faith, as much as it is the quality or genuineness of faith" He further states, "the quality of a mustard seed is so much more important than the size" "Why?. .. Because the seed is alive and able to grow. Like a small seed, a small amount of genuine faith in God will take root and grow. While it is invisible at first, it will begin to develop, first under the ground, and then become visible. Although each stage of development is gradual and imperceptible, this faith will soon have produced significant results. All you need is faith, the quality of a seed - alive and able to grow"
How powerful is that. ..all that was just on the first page. I was so excited I had to share some of what this book contains. ... The next section the author subtitled " The Genesis of My Faith". ..My questions for you is. .. what was the Genesis of your faith. .. and what is the quality of your mustard seed. ..
I invited you to get your hands on a copy of this very powerful book that explores Faith. . .. Again the title is A Nickel Worth of Faith by Dr. E. McDonald Wortham. .. It is available on Amazon. May God Bless you and may the quality of your Faith continue to grow.