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Cross and Clouds

Made for You. ..

Have you ever dissected the scripture Genesis 2:18. .. The Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone. .. I will make a helper for him. .. A helper for him. .. made just for him. .. The focus should be first on the word made. ..then. .. who this helper is made for. .. you.

Made. .. we know that God created all, so it goes without saying that she was made by God. .. but made for him. .. made for you. .. think about that. ..have you ever gone shopping for some shoes and you looked at all the shoes and there were not any that you liked. .. or maybe you found the ones you wanted. .. but they had no more in your size. ..

With God and your mate. .. there is no such thing as one size fits all. .. She was made for you. . But the question. .. how do I know she is the one God has made for me. ..? That's a great question. .. and I can answer it this way. .. I remember one day feeling so alone that my heart was literally hurting. .. longing for that someone who could fill the void in my life. .. So. .. I started a conversation with God. ..first through prayer. .. and then in my daily conversations with him as I thought about what I was asking him. ..

I wanted a mate. .. someone that would fill the void in my heart. .. someone that would "help" me grow in my journey with God. .. So I started to give God the specifics of what my heart was yearning for. .. I actually remember telling my cousin Zena these specifics. .. I only mention this fact because. .. sometimes when the unseen, and unrealized becomes a reality. .. its good to have someone besides yourself to be able to say. .. that's exactly what he asked of God. .. I wanted her to be about 5' 2" tall. .. fair skinned. .. very athletic. .. and God fearing. ..

Years later I would be a freshman at Livingstone College. .. and I saw her walking to class. .. my heart started doing all sorts of crazy things. .. It was her. .. it was the very person that I had asked God for. .. I was sure it was. .. my heart was confirming it. .. I remember going home that day and telling my mom. .. I had seen the woman I was going to marry that day. ... It would be another two years before I would even have the courage to speak to her. .. and this only happened when we ended up in the same class my Junior year. .. and she had forgotten her book. .. and I offered to share mine. ..and that my friends. .. was the start of a journey that is now in year 38. .. but that is for another conversation with you. .. the point here is. .. she was made for me. .. and God confirmed it in his word. ..It is not good that man should be alone. .. and God said. .. I will Make a helper for him. .. a helper for ME. ..when it comes to your mate. .. It will never be one size fits all with God. ..

It will always be The One. .. God made for you. .. May your journey with God reveal all that He has made for you. Amen.

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