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Writer's pictureJames Lucas

The Government. ... and God

We all know that things like prayer have been taken out of our schools and our government and I think we are trying as a nation to find our way back. ..But it seems however, we think we can do it by taking sides and judging how your neighbor lives and what your neighbor believes. .. but remember. ..Judge not less you be judged. .. I think we all agree that a leader of our government or nation should be a God fearing person. .. one that has a heart that tries to govern after the very word of God. .. one that understands empathy. .. compassion. .. one that seeks to do the will of God for ALL people. ..

So what should that look like. .. If we believe that God is over the government and the government is doing that which is God's Will. .. then the people should submit to the government. ..Now think about that statement for a minute or two. ..think about your current government where ever you may be and reflect on what you see. ..

Now we know there is a constitutional separation of church and state in America. .. but. ..I am suggesting that when a government is close to God. .. the society is close to God and there is less confusion and more order. .. So the opposite of that would be a government that is not close to God and you would have chaos and confusion. ..when God is removed the government seeks to be God. .. and man is not God. .. So what do you do. .. where's the answer. ...

As Christians we have to trust God. .. It is always our hope that whatever the government does lines up with the Will of God. .. but when it doesn't. .. how do we know. .. the answer. ..the definitive standard of what is right and what is wrong. .. is in the Bible. .. It's not a government standard. .. its not a political standard. .. It is God's Word. .. The Only standard we should be using. ..

I remember reading about King Saul. ..God's people wanted a king. .. and God anointed him as king. .. God was the Head. .. all Saul had to do was follow God's Will for His people. ...but. you read about Saul's life. ... we know he did not. .. and the nation fell into chaos until God anointed David. .. David was a king that was after the Heart of God. ...

So. .. while we as citizens should give to Caesar the things that belong to him, such as our taxes, and even other things such as awards and honors. .. we can never give the government our heart. .. that belongs to God and God along. ...

What does your heart tell you. .. and who has your heart. .. How you answer. ... will tell you a great deal about yourself. .. and even how you see the government and world you live in. .. May God bless you with the knowledge. .. and wisdom to understand that which is His Perfect Will. Amen.

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