I received a list of songs from my Pastor recently to play during the service for praise and worship, I noticed that all the songs he had given me were worship songs. .. so I text him and asked if he wanted me to add a song of praise with a more upbeat tempo to get the church in a more active move at the start of service. His reply to me was this. .. He said no, those songs should be sufficient. .. but added. .. but you can change whatever you want. .. no worries. I thought about his words and began to focus of the word worship. .. the word began to move within my spirit. ..I replied with this response. .. I am not changing any songs. .. If the man of God has worship in his spirit. .. then that is what the people of God need to hear.
What does the word of God say about Worship. .. There are several scriptures that address worship. .. but the one that God is allowing me to share is from the Book of John chapter 4 verses 23 and 24. .. And the word of God says this. ..
But the hour comes, and now is. .. When the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth. .. for the Father seeks such to worship Him. .. God is a Spirit. .. and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and Truth. ..
So what does it mean to worship. .. some dictionaries define it as the feeling or expression of reverence or adoration for a deity. .. God.
Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth. .. just what is the word saying here. ..
Worshiping in truth means you have to know the truth about God's word, which means you have to know God's word. .. and the only way to know God's word is to study His word. .. We must renew or minds (Romans 12:2) by studying His word, learning more and more about Him through His word which will allow Him to reveal His will for us in our daily walk toward Him. When this happens we begin to see God in our talk, in our songs, in our praise and our daily walk. It will impact every aspect of of your life, your family, your work, your calling. .. every breath you take should be to God's glory. ..
In Spirit. .. the heart and mind. .. the internal focus and understanding of God's truth. .. When we study and keep God's word in our hearts and minds. .. our outward actions begin to reflect worship for God. .. knelling in prayer. .. songs of praise. .. vocalizing the highest praise of Hallelujah!. ..
When we do these things, we are outwardly showing reverence to God by our actions. ..
The bottom line. .. Romans 12:1:2 . .. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by mercies of God, they you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Go, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, perfect will of God. .. Through Worship in Truth and Spirit. .. God reveals His perfect will for you. .. Do you know what God's perfect will for you is. .. are you worshiping Him in Truth and Spirit. ..?
My prayer for the reader is that God will reveal your path with Him through His word and that you will glorify His name through your worship.